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offal and giblets

Giblets and offal from an ovine origin

We refer to the animal in different ways depending on its age. The baby lamb is the youngest one with a month of life, it weights 5 or 6 kg once sacrificed and it has only been fed with milk. The milk-fed lamb is approximately 90 days old, it weights between 10 and 12 kg and besides the milk, it has had fodder or grass. We can also call this animal of this age and weight “light lamb”. The suckling lamb is the most consumed in Spain, it is more than 3 months old and it is fed with fodder or grass. At last, the oldest ovine is more than one year old and is rarely consumed in our country.

Cabeza de cordero Seso de cordero Lengua de cordero
Carrillera de cordero Molleja de cordero Gallinejas de cordero
Estómago de cordero Pies de cordero Asadura de cordero


As part of its commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility, Frimosa has made a significant improvement to its facilities by installing solar panels. This action represents a major step toward a more sustainable and environmentally friendly energy model.

At the end of last year, the European Union of Offals and Giblet was established in Barcelona with the French name of Union des Tripiers Européens (UTE).

FRIMOSA S.A. - c. Durán y Reynals 14 (P.O. Box 6), 08192, Sant Quirze del Vallès (Barcelona) - Spain
T. (+34) 937 116 012 F. (+34) 937 121 946 email:
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